
Traditional Chinese Food: Rice Dumplings (Zongzi)

The diagram project is probably my favorite project this semester, and the one that took me the longest. In the previous two projects, I could usually finish it in three hours, but this one took me almost six hours.

First, we’re going to combine illustrations and text to tell a story or explain a process. This was a very interesting process, because I’m not weak at drawing. I spent a lot of time thinking about what my theme should be, and the first thing that came to mind was to do an explanation of the sport of diving, because I thought it was really cool. But I wanted to make my theme more unique, because after all, the sports theme has been used by a lot of people. Then I thought of something with Chinese elements, Zongzi. I think that 464 is an international course and should be given a more diverse work.

Once I had decided on a theme, I started working on the idea of what I wanted to say. I was going to just do the process of making the zongzi, but then it occurred to me that my readers probably don’t have much of an idea or understanding of the Zongzi. So I was going to start with a brief introduction to the Zongzi, its origin and classification, so that my readers would have some basic understanding of it. Then I’m going to go into a little more detail about how to make Zongzi.

After finalizing these concepts, I started the layout. I started by writing a more detailed explainer about the zongzi. To the right of the explainer, I chose to put an obvious and eye-catching picture of Zongzi to show you what Zongzi looks like. Then below that are the types of Zongzi and how they are made.

I prefer drawing on my iPad to using the pen tool that comes with illustrator. illustrator’s pen tool is very convenient and helpful when making maps. But sometimes it’s awkward to draw curves, and the lines are not straight enough. Also, if I want to draw details, I need to adjust the screen size and strike repeatedly, which makes it difficult for me. So I decided to use procreate to draw a picture, export the picture as a PNG and paste it into the illustrator. The first thing I drew was the picture of the zongzi on the right side of the explainer. I didn’t expect that it would take me half an hour to do such a simple illustration. That’s because I used seven different layers, including the real thing and the shadows. Given the illustration’s style, I also added highlights to the Zongzi to make the illustration look more complete. After exporting the PNG, I thought the result was pretty good, with strong line and color expression. So I started to continue in this way for the image below. The next step is to draw the categories of the zongzi. I realized that the different types of dumplings differed in both shape and color, so I decided on my color card first, identified the colors I wanted to use, such as the different shades of green, and wrote down their color numbers in case I needed to use them again later. This section took about an hour of my time, because I wanted to make sure that the difference between the three different types of dumplings would be obvious to my readers at first glance. Lastly, I drew the process of making the zongzi. This step was the one that I found the most torturous and difficult, because it was different from just drawing the zongzi. I also had to consider the interaction between my hands and the zongzi, as well as the sense of space and volume. In the end, I’m going to use the actual photo as a reference for the painting. Thanks to my love of drawing comics, this kind of copying with a reference wasn’t very difficult for me. Although the drawing is finished, it doesn’t have any sense of volume, but looks more like a flat map. So I started to add shadows. Since there are no shadows in the photo, these shadows were more like visuals in my mind. For the shadows on the hands, I used a darker flesh color than the skin color to accentuate the depth. The same goes for the zongzi. I used six different shades of green to reflect the volume of the zongzi.Because the color cards were prepared in advance, the overall set does not feel disconnected, but rather looks very coherent.

If I have any regrets, I think it’s that I gave short explanations for each step, because I was on the heavy side and I was worried that a large explanation would clutter up the page.

From a design standpoint, since dumplings are usually green, I chose a starry blue background that matches the green perfectly, without clashing with the green or blurring it. Except for the large image on the far left, each illustration has a border, because I like the clarity of the outline. The fill color in the frame is a darker blue than the background color, which is also meant to create a visual effect. As a whole, I think I’ve kept the style consistent, and although my references are different, these illustrations can be seen to be by the same hand. This is one area where I feel I’ve improved.

Diagram K. Qu

IVY TECH Locations in Indiana

click the image to see the PDF!

I did think about many topics before I made the map project, but I finally decided to make a map of the distribution of IVY TECH in Indiana. This is because I took an online class at IVY TECH last semester at my friend’s suggestion and because more and more IU students were willing to take classes at IVY TECH during the epidemic. So I decided to make a map about IVY TECH to briefly introduce the location of it.

Ivy Community College, Indiana’s community college system, which includes more than 40 campuses, is the largest public postsecondary institution in the state and the largest single-accredited statewide community college system in the nation. It’s mostly located in Indiana, so I wanted to make a map of Indiana first to mark the distribution of IVY TECH. I had no prior idea that IVY was so densely distributed in Indiana and was very surprised indeed. After drawing the outline of Indiana with the pen tool, I started making the IVY logo in Illustrator. IVY’s logo isn’t that complicated, like a sapling. The lines are all straight, so it’s done with a pen tool. Then I have to make the background color, the sampling and the circle as a group. In the Indiana map I emphasize Indianapolis since it is the capital of Indiana.

Then I decided to make a map of IVY in Bloomington. This will be more detailed and cover more detail than the entire Indiana map. I’ve interspersed iconic buildings and interstate highways to help the reader better understand the orientation. Finally, I’ve made a little compass logo to tell the reader north and south.

From a design standpoint, I’m very mindful of the color scheme this time around. I didn’t want my map to be so saturated that it made the readability low. I chose the Morandi color card so that the map looks very harmonious, like a complete whole. Then I chose a light green to fill out the Indiana and Bloomington map because to me Indiana looks like it’s in a forest, and the greenery is done wonderfully. On the outside of the Bloomington map I chose to make a lighter border to create a sense of space visually.

Chart K. Qu

Incredible 2 of Pixar gets the highest box office in animation movies.

Krist Qu's Char Project
click the image to see the PDF!

Disney, Pixar and DreamWorks have long been considered the three most prestigious animated film manufacturing companies. Disney and Pixar, in particular, have been with me throughout my childhood with their works. To this day, the Incredibles series is still my favorite movie of all time. So I wanted to make a table to investigate the financial investment and box office receipts of Pixar films.

First, I’ve used a bar chart to show the U.S. box office and world totals of Pixar’s top ten highest grossing films. As it turns out, Incredibles 2 takes the number one spot with a staggering box office. It took Pixar 14 years to make this movie, and it’s hard to be a hit when you can say that Incredibles 2 contains some of Pixar’s best technology and most heart and soul. My data here does not take inflation into account, as the US rate of inflation is different from the world’s overall rate of inflation. To avoid unnecessary data errors, I’ve chosen to show it in actual box office.

I then used a bar chart to show, in chronological order, Pixar’s financial investment and US box office. Since Pixar doesn’t release new movies every year, there are some years missing from the chart. Here my figures take inflation into account, as all values are inflated in the US based on year. I’ve marked a few values that I think are important, and surprisingly, with inflation taken into account, Finding Nemo became the clear box office winner by a landslide over Toy Story and Incredibles. On the other hand, Pixar hasn’t had a lot of float in terms of financial investment, and has been in the $1.3 million to $2 million range.

The third chart I’ve chosen to show circular statistics showing the studio distribution of the ten highest-grossing films to date at the global box office. I was curious to see what people in different countries thought of the three studios. Here my figures are from Wikipedia and they have been calculated for inflation. As I thought, Pixar has half of the top ten films, Disney has four films, and DreamWorks has one.

From a designer’s point of view, this assignment did take a lot of effort on my part. First I had to determine the color tone of the entire table. Since it’s about Pixar’s chart, I decided to use some light colors. Of course there are some contrasting colors in my chart to highlight the changes in values and create a visual effect of contrast, but the overall saturation is low because every time I think of Pixar, all I think of is joy, happiness and joy. Another thing is because I used a black font, a less saturated background color makes it easier for the reader to read and pay attention to the data on the table, greatly improving the readability of the chart.In the bar chart I inserted the logos for both Incredibles and Pixar, I didn’t use any other color for the number one ranked character, Incredibles 2, so I inserted separate logos to show its status. In the circular chart I’ve inserted the logo of Pixar’s other very famous lamp, a mischievous little lamp that many people are impressed by and which has become a branding icon for Pixar and has had a profound effect on Pixar’s brand recognition, so I felt it was important to include it in my chart.

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